At the core of community, is value, trust and love.

We are blessed to know you all!

What an extraordinary community we have! Thank you Thank you Thank you!

I just want to say thank you thank you thank you to all of the extraordinary staff who have worked with us this year. This has been one of the most incredible years, and for me personally one of the hardest.

First I'll start with our Spring staff.

Thank you to Marion Dulude, Taz Zandboer, Allie Livesey, Mary Forewell, Danielle Dawn, Iris Potter

To have people who not only jump in with gumboots on, and can go with the flow, but to have people who genuinely care about the children, about the work we do and to sit down at the end of a session and debrief... the discussions and the connection we fostered is inseparable.

This summer we launched a Summer Club, and I personally had a change of plans where I had to find someone to replace me. The first time in the history of 20 years of being in service, I left for 10 whole days.

Donna Talluto and Bob Sorour I raise my hands to you. Wow. To take over administration, 3 locations, facility management, resource management, emotional and social management, and to have fun, for someone elses baby... my hat is off to you both. Thank you thank you thank you!

Thank you also to Elder and Advisor Josie Marie (left) for making time to come and see us. What an incredible gift. We are so lucky to have you! My favorite part was when we all drummed and sang together before harvesting the nettle. What a gift to our community you are.

Thank you to this extraordinary mama Shawna Hudson (middle) who showed up early, helped set up, stayed around with the kids, spent the day during our Tournament and final feast, truly felt like community. Thank you Thank you. You even brought me my favorite Matcha! I am so blessed to know you!

Thank you to our elder and local Wizard Ronaldo (Ron Kelly) who popped in here and there to gift us with more Willow haircuts and bring a smile to the children.

Thank you to Donna Mitchell for our heart warming opening ceremony. It was well received and we truly appreciate you!

And to others who stepped in and helped us all build a village of hammocks, pit toilet on the beach, salmon cook at the end and every adventure in between. Thank you thank you.

Thank you to Innisfree Farm, Thierry, Chanchal and all interns who engaged with us this year. What a gift!! This land offers so many teachings, the medicine of the plants and just being on the land was healing.

And thank you to the organization that remains anonymous for sponsoring 25 children. We wouldn't have launched this club without you.

Thank you to Karolane Gelineault who has stepped into the fold this year. What a gift!! The gel and the adorable hat, you are becoming quite the Cricket Conscience.

And thank you to all the behind the scenes people that folx don't even know about. Lane Franklin who has been a fast acting and loyal web developer and provider for over 15 years. Marion Dulude who dealt with the emotional roller coasters for years!! Thank you Katie Salzborn and Tom Chell who are helping to re-design and re-shape our approach online. Debra T who is always engaged and having little side conversations and now Michael who has added a lot of value and comments. Isabelle, Elizabeth, Jennifer Caldwell, Meg Keen, Teresa Carter, Jane Cowell, Debra Contreras, everyone who are my emotional support, and who shares with meaning online. I see you!

We Value You!

These humans have such skill, ability and knowledge that I would love to give them more.

At Wild Craft Play we pay between $25 and $35 to staff depending on a person's skill. When we pay someone $35 it's usually more than we can afford, but it's way more worth it to me to pay someone this and have them stay, value their time and foster deep soulful connections.

A hard lesson I learned this past year was to have all the ducks in a row before committing someone's time. I'm talking about money. I took a gamble with everyone and not just myself last year. I ran this club thinking that with such high enrollment and such low fees that we would find many sponsors. I spent months trying to find sponsors to cover the rest of the costs. I ended up having to take on another job and pay everyone months late because I didn't have enough support. This ate me up inside and made me feel surprised that... there weren't more people, businesses, organizations that would back this initiative. It leads me to wonder, what could I do differently to gain the financial support, so we can do this good work?

Just the other day, I had a school district staff say to me that one of the children who attended the entire summer had such a good time.

"He has said so many great things about his time with you this summer, which is why we reached out to you to see if you want to support him now."

From my point of view, I saw him transform over the summer.

This is what we do, we transform lives through ridiculous outdoor adventure that lifts young people up.

These children not only need a club style place where they have autonomy and agency, choice and free will, where they have deep connection to the land, each other and in-turn themselves. They need quality and resourced mentors and guides.

We ask you, will you contribute so that we can do this good work?


We call what we do a movement, fostering trust through choice and learning as a community of practice. By clicking this link, you are requesting information about our community of practice and support, and the possibility of becoming a patron.

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